Clergy compensation guidelines for 2025 have been posted
on the Clergy Compensation page.
IRS Standard Mileage Rate 2025
The IRS standard mileage rate for 2025 is 70¢, an
increase of 3¢ from the 2024 rate.
Mission Support
All things mission support are posted on our Mission
Support page, including
mission support request for 2025
remittance forms,
commitment (pledge) forms, and
a little synodical mission support history
Research & Evaluation
In mid-January, the portal for filing your congregation's
parochial report will open. Learn more by visiting our Research & Evaluation
Church & Taxes
Portico provides a guide to help congregations understand
their federal tax requirements. You can download, at no
cost, Federal Reporting Requirements for Churches
from either myPortico or EmployerLink.
Mutual Ministry Committee and
the Driesen Manual
At the direction of the Synod Assembly 2021, the Synod
Mutual Ministry Committee is promulgating the Driesen
Manual as a resource for mutual ministry committee work.
Learn more here.
Having trouble finding supply preachers? Apply To Be a Reader!
Having trouble finding supply preachers? In some parts of
our territory, it's not easy. There simply aren't folks
within a reasonable drive or the few that are are already
engaged. To address this problem (as well as reform our
longstanding Bishop Lay Worship Leaders Program, Synod
Council has authorized the new Synodical Lay Worship Leaders
Program, and the first license that is now being rolled out
is the "reader" license.
Readers do not prepare their own sermons. Instead, they
select a sermon from a reputable source in consultation with
an assigned supervisor. They also lead worship, using one of
the approved liturgies (i.e., ante-communion, service of the
Word, matins, or vespers). While it may be difficult to find
a pastor or authorized lay preacher in your vicinity, it
shouldn't be too hard to identify a trusted lay member
(perhaps more than one) in your congregation and suggest
licensure. To learn more about the program, visit the Synodical
Lay Worship Leaders page.
Pastoral Transition &
Vacancy Page
We has gathered together on one page items related to
pastoral transitions (coming and going) and pastoral
vacancy, but the material related to call process has grown,
necessitating two pages. You can still start your
exploration at the "transitions" page: check it out.
Polity for Congregations
We've uploaded a new constellation of pages related to
polity. You will find there
Procedure in Small Boards
Education & Training for Congregational Leaders
Polity for Councils: A Crash Course for Congregational
The Wild and Wonderful World of Procedure
Parliamentary Authority: Robert's Rules of Order
Congregation Meeting in Time of Pandemic
Email Voting by Congregation Council
Updating your Congregation's Constitution
WV Congregations: Filing Your Trustees with the County
COVID-19 poses special challenges for congregations and
their leadership. A special page has been set up on the
synod web site for COVID-19 related information. Please
to access the latest material.
Workshops & Presentations
The WV-WMD Synod offers workshops and presentations for
congregations on a variety of topics. The following are
currently available, but more will be added as time goes
on. If there is something you would like to see that is
not listed, contact Bishop Riegel. To make arrangements
for a presentation or workshop, email Bishop Riegel
Praying Compline
Praying Matins
Praying Vespers
Tips for Singing Psalms
Polity & Governance
Intro to Roberts Rules of Order
Updating Constitutions & Bylaws
Theology, Bible, Ethics, and History
Sanctification in a Lutheran Key
The Rhetoric of First Corinthians
A Theological Argument for the Political Animal
German-speaking Lutherans in the Great War's America
Synod Assembly 1996 established “A Seed Planted” Mission
Fund to stimulate innovative outreach by or from
congregations. Awarded grants went for a range of
activities from a coffee house Bible study to printed
promotional material to efforts with unaffiliated
populations. To download information on the fund and
guidelines on application for a grant, click here.
Couldn't find what you were looking for?
Try refreshing your page. Most browsers cache pages for
faster loading. Unfortunately, when a page updates,
sometimes, your browser is pulling a saved copy of the
page from your cache. If you came here because you saw an
announcement about something being added to the page but
can't find it, it could be browser caching. By refreshing
your page, you can force your browser to download the most
recent version from the server---well, most of the time.
West Virginia-Western Maryland Synod
℅ St. Paul Lutheran Church
309 Baldwin Street, Morgantown, WV 26505
304-363-4030 +