Synod Cont. Ed Event
West Virginia - Western Maryland Synod

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Page Contents
IRS Mileage Rate 2025

This IRS Standard Mileage Rate for 2025 is 70¢, an increase if 3¢ over 2024.

Continuing Education

The Education for Clergy & Laity page serves as one-stop shop for continuing education offerings. It is extensive.

The Winter/Spring 2025 Synod Clergy Continuing Education Event is set for 5-6 February 2025 at Cacapon State Park. Dr. Teresa Smallwood will present on the topic "Bonhoeffer and Nationalism." Click here for more info.

Health & Wellness

The Clergy Wellness page is expanding. Check out the latest information about Portico changes for 2025 and take time to review the many benefits and services that are part of your Portico plan.

Clergy Compensation Kit 2025

Clergy compensation guidelines for 2025 (and information on the current and past guidelines) has been posted! Visit the Clergy Compensation page.

Trappe PulpitSupply Preaching

Looking for a supply preacher?

If you need coverage, you will find a list supply preachers (and ordained presbyters for Eucharistic services) on our Supply Preaching & Presiding page.

Are you listed as a supply preacher?

If you are clergy available for supply preaching/presiding does +Riegel know? During the high-water mark of the pandemic, several preachers took themselves off the supply list. If your status has changed, contact +Riegel.

Clergy Transition

                InstallationInstallation: Crummitt

The Rev. Timothy Crummitt was installed as pastor of St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Wheeling, WV, on Sunday, 19 January 2025, The Rt. Rev. Matthew Riegel, preaching and installing.

Crummitt, while a son of First English Lutheran Church, Wheeling, served his first call at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Hampton, VA. He holds an M.Div. from Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary and a B.A. from Wheeling Jesuit University in Theology and Religious Studies.


Entering Mobility

Pastors looking to enter mobility (whether intrasynodical or extrasynodical) should contact the bishop. The Rostered Minister Profile (quondam "Roster Leader Profile" and "mobility form"), other forms, and supporting instructions are available at's Rostered Ministers page. Click on the link you will find there, and it will take you to your login screen. If for any reason, you need your Rostered Leader Number, contact the bishop.

Guidance: Process for Leaving a Call

There are things to do when leaving a call. You will find guidance and documents to facilitate the process on our Pastoral Transition & Vacancy page.


Vacancy TableOpportunities for Ordained Ministry in WV-WMD

Are you a member of the clergy of the ELCA (or full-communion partner) interested in learning more about WV-WMD? Do you know someone who might be? Drop us a line. You can email +Riegel at or call the office (304-363-4030). There is plenty to commend service and life in our mountains and in our valleys. Like Nebraska, it's not for everyone, but, for those who aren't afraid of an adventure, we have a great mix of challenge and gift. A list of openings can be viewed by visiting our Pulpit Vacancies page (or click on the table at right). You will find there opportunities for congregational ministry and also any specialized ministries that might be open at the moment.


Ordinations and installations are not the worship services that a congregation (or clergy) does on a regular basis. To assist those involved with such things a page of guidance is under development. Information for installation is already up. Click here to review.

Rostered Leader Debt Reduction

$3242 in debt reduction grants were awarded to clergy of the WV-WMD synod for the FY2023-2024 cycle.

The WV-WMD Synod has conducted a rostered leader debt reduction program since 2002. Through this program, pastors and deacons with educational debt can be assisted with payment on the principal. The Rostered Leader Debt Reduction Fund is supported by voluntary contributions from individuals, congregations, church-related auxiliaries, and a line item in the synod budget. The amount in the fund is expended each fiscal year as direct payments to lending agencies. Guidelines for the Rostered Leader Debt Reduction Program can be downloaded here.

Apply for RLDR Grant

Applications for a debt reduction grant for the FY2024-2025 cycle are no longer being accepted. Deadline for submission was 17 January 2025.

All clergy with educational debt are encouraged to review the guidelines (supra) and make application if they meet the application criteria. Download the RLDR application here.

Donate to RLDR Fund

Donations to the Rostered Leader Debt Reduction Fund can be routed through your congregation or sent directly to the Synod at the following address with a notation on the memo line indicating "Rostered Leader Debt Reduction Fund:"

West Virginia-Western Maryland Synod
℅ St. Paul Lutheran Church
309 Baldwin Street
Morgantown, WV 26505

You may also donate online. We use PayPal, but you don't need a PayPal account. PayPal accepts several major credit cards.


Parochial Report

*C9.12(b). The pastor of this congregation: shall submit a summary of such statistics annually to the synod.

A dedicated page for parochial reports has been uploaded. This should help you share information with your congregational leaders. Click here to access the Research & Evaluation page.

Rostered Minister's Report to Bishop: Due 28 February 2025

The governing documents of our church state the following:

S14.15. Each minister of Word and Sacrament on the roster of this synod shall submit a report of his or her ministry to the bishop of the synod at least 90 days prior to each regular meeting of the Synod Assembly.

*C9.13. The pastor(s) shall submit a report of his or her ministry to the bishop of the synod at least 90 days prior to each regular meeting of the Synod Assembly.

An acceptable report form may be downloaded from the ELCA Office of the Secretary Website, but you may submit a report of your own devising. The report form is in PDF. Be sure to save the report before exiting or you will lose your information. After completing, email to with the subject line, "Rostered Minister Report." If you have questions about how to complete the report, contact +Riegel. To download the ELCA form, click here.

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West Virginia-Western Maryland Synod
℅ St. Paul Lutheran Church, 309 Baldwin Street, Morgantown, WV 26505
304-363-4030  +